Rick Grendell

Senior Clinical Trial Outreach Coordinator

Rick Grendell

Rick Grendell is our new Senior Clinical Trial Outreach Coordinator for the Medical Center of the Americas (MCA) Foundation.  He works closely with Michaele Linden-Johnson to support the Clinical Trial Academy, Clinical Trial Consortium, and other projects.

Rick graduated from U.C. Berkeley with a degree in Entomology and served 25 years as a research specialist at various institutions including U.C. Berkeley, Dartmouth Medical School, the National Primate Research Center (Madison, Wisconsin), and the University of North Dakota.  During that time, he has worked in various fields ranging from pesticide chemistry, toxicology, oncology, medical Entomology, maternal/fetal immunology, and neurobiology.  Most recently he worked with the EPISD as a post COVID, high impact instructor where he tutored students in math and reading, and taught science to elementary students.

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