Leo Romero

Innovation Ecosystem & Resource Strategist

Leo Romero

Leo Romero is a creative strategist with entrepreneurial spirit and a strong background in business consulting and technology innovation.

As the Medical Center of the Americas (MCA)’s new Innovation Ecosystem & Resource Strategist, Leo will draw inspiration from his experience as an innovation center manager at Accenture and his academic foundation in biomedical engineering to bolster the growth and development of startups in the Borderplex Region - especially those exploring to creatively innovate in the medical space with multidisciplinary arts and engineering.

Leo earned his B.S. in Biomedical Engineering and Medical Instrumentation from The University of Texas at Austin; plus a number of certifications in Scaled Agile Frameworks, Lean Agile Methodologies, Digital Platform Modernization, and TQ (”Tech Quotient”) readiness assessments from Accenture exploring cross-industry applications of new-era tech like AI/ML, AR, Cloud, Blockchain, Enterprise Platforms, Agile and DevOps.

Leo brings a mosaic of skillsets and capabilities that enables businesses and organizations to scale their products and services with disciplined innovation strategies, lean startup methodologies, and enterprise-ready solutioning. He is excited to play a key role in connecting aspiring entrepreneurs and startups with local and international resources that can aid in jumpstarting their ideas and move their products to market to ultimately impact the way we live, work, and play.

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